MTH243 Statistics Spring 2016

Here are some normal distribution calculators:
-, Normal Probabilities
-, Inverse Normal
-, Normal Probability Calculator
-, Normal Probability Calculator
-, Normal Distribution Calculator
The normal distribution grapher in the simulation may not work for some of you due to browers blocking it.

My exam solutions are available through my Google Drive:
Welcome to the class!
This 11-week course officially starts Monday, March 28th. If you haven't already done so, read the contents of the Do This First and Course Information folders. Make sure to complete the syllabus quiz, entering answers in MOM, and autobiography assignments.
This course is broken into twelve units, called "Experiences". Each Experience has a folder. Inside the folder you will have a reading assignment and/or videos, followed by practice problems, critical thinking discussion assignments, and applications.
On the practice problems, if you are unable to come up with the answer after 3 tries, the answer will show and you can "Try a similar problem" and still get full credit on the exercises. If you can't figure out how they came up with the answer, ask by posting your question in the "Questions about Experience X" forum. Note that everyone gets slightly different versions of the exercises, so someone else's #3 might not look quite the same as yours.
Critical thinking and application assignments are graded by hand, so please don't freak out when you see a 0 in the gradebook; if you see a 0 that means I haven't graded it yet.
There are two exams in the course, one at experience 5 and the other at experience 12. The exams are timed. You will, get a practice exam that is very similar to the real exam.
After reading this, continue onto the Do This First folder.
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