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Entering Numerical Answers

This question asks for a number answer. Acceptable answers include whole numbers, integers (negative numbers), and decimal values. (These questions will normally require you to do calculations by hand or with a computer before you enter a final answer.)

In special cases, you may need to enter DNE for "Does not exist", oo for infinity, or -oo for negative infinity.

If your answer is not an exact value, you'll want to enter at least 3 decimal places unless the problem specifies otherwise.

Try it out:

Enter the number 31.3457 below exactly (no rounding)

Enter the number 31.3457 rounded to the nearest hundredth (two decimal places)

Enter the result of `31.3457 divide 0`

Entering Fractions, Reduced Fractions, and Mixed Numbers

This question asks for a fraction, a reduced fraction, and a mixed number.

Enter fractions like 2/3 for `2/3`. For this type, the fraction does not need to be reduced, so `2/4` is considered the same as `1/2`.

For a reduced fraction answer, be sure to reduce your fraction to lowest terms. If `1/2` is the correct answer, `2/4` is not reduced, and would be marked wrong.

For both fraction and reduced fraction type problems, improper fractions are OK, like `10/3`, but mixed numbers will not be accepted.

For a mixed number problem, enter your answer like 5 1/3 for `5 1/3`. Improper fractions will not be accepted. Also, be sure to reduce the fractional portion of the mixed number to lowest terms.

Try it here. Use the Preview button to see how the computer is interpreting what you typed.

A) Enter `10/30`:   (Does NOT have to be reduced to lowest terms)

B) Enter `13/39` in reduced form:   (MUST be reduced to lowest terms)

C) Enter `10+31/39`:   as a mixed number. (Make sure you reduce, if necessary.)

Entering Algebraic Expressions or Equations

This question asks for an algebraic expression.

With these types of questions, be sure to use the variables indicated. In your answer, you can also use mathematical expressions for numerical calculations.

TypeTo getComment
-3x^2+5`-3x^2+5`Notice the ^ symbol for powers
(2+x)/(3-x)`(2+x)/(3-x)`Notice you need parentheses around the numerator and denominator
sqrt(x-5)`sqrt(x-5)`Be sure to put parentheses around the input: sqrt(x+3) is OK, but sqrtx+3 or sqrt x+3 is not.
3^(x+7)`3^(x+7)`Parentheses keeps the `x+7` together as the power
1/(x(x+1))`1/(x(x+1))`You may need nested parentheses
5/3x+2/3`5/3x+2/3`Fractions are automatically formatted vertically when previewed

Unless the problem gives specific directions, any algebraically equivalent expression is acceptable. For example, if the answer was `(x+2)(x+3)`, then `(x+3)(x+2)` and `(3+x)(2+x)` would also be acceptable.

Try it here. Use the Preview button to see how the computer is interpreting what you typed.

A) Enter the expression `5 x^2 -7 x + 3`:

Your input:  

B) Enter the expression `(7 y + 2)/(5 y^2)`:

Your input:  

C) Enter the expression `w^2 + 5 sqrt(w+1)`:

Your input:  


Some questions ask for ordered pairs to give the coordinates of a point on a plane.

Enter these answers as you'd write the ordered pair: `(x,y)`

For example, the point where `x = 3` and `y=5` would be written: (3,5)

If the question asks for several points, list each point separated with commas, like: (1,2), (3,4)

Try it now. Enter the points shown on the graph below



For intervals of values, enter your answer using interval notation. Here are some examples of how interval notation relates to inequalities:

InequalityInterval Notation
`3 lt x lt 5` (3,5)
`3 lt x le 5` (3,5]
`x gt 3` `(3,oo)`
`3 lt x lt 5 \ "or" \ 7 lt x lt 9` `(3,5)uu(7,9)`

With inequalities, we use "less than": < or "greater than": > to exclude the endpoint of the interval. With interval notation, we use use round parentheses, ( or ).

With inequalities, we use "less than or equal to": ≤ or "greater than or equal to": ≥ to include the endpoint of the interval. With interval notation, we use use square brackets, [ or ].

To combine two intervals, use U (an uppercase letter u) for union: `uu`
Use oo (two lowercase letter o's) for infinity: `oo`

For example, to enter `(-oo,-2]uu(3,6]`, you would type: (-oo,-2]U(3,6]

Try it now. Enter the interval equivalent to `2 lt x le 5 \ "or" \ x gt 7`


Sometimes an equation or problem will have multiple solutions. When there are multiple solutions, you can list them, separated by a comma.

For example, if the solutions were 5 and 10, you'd enter: 5,10

Try it now by listing all the positive even numbers less than 10

This question asks for a number or a calculation.

You can enter whole numbers, negative numbers, or decimal numbers. If you enter a decimal value, be sure to give at least 3 decimal places.

Alternatively, you can enter mathematical expressions. Some examples:
EnterTo get
sqrt(4)`sqrt(4)` = 2
2/(5-3)`2/(5-3)` = 1
3^2`3^2` = 9

Try it here. Use the Preview button to see how the computer is interpreting what you typed.

Enter `sqrt(5)/2`:  

Enter `7/3`:  

Enter `6^2/3^2`:  

Enter `1/(2^3-3)`:  

Multiple choice questions require you to choose one answer from a selection.

Try this by selecting "right" below.