Blocks have a colored header. If a block is displayed collapsed, click the block name or the "Expand" button to view the block's contents. If the block is displayed as a folder (has a folder icon next to it), click the block name to view the block items.
Text items are preceded with an information ! icon, forums are preceded with a F icon, and assessments are preceded with a ? icon. The icons will be grey when the item is not available, and (depending upon install settings) may change color as a deadline approaches. The color is green at two weeks, yellow at one week, and red on due date.
The item order can be rearranged by using the number selector to the left of the item. Items can also be moved into or out of blocks using this selector.
When you as a teacher start a new thread, you are given the option to have it be:
You can use the middle two options to, for example, post discussion instructions. You can use the last option to post a question in class, and have students respond without seeing other students' replies.
When viewing the forum thread list as an instructor, there is a "List Posts by Name" link which will list all posts in the forum, grouped by student name. New threads are colored in black, replies in green
Qustion-specific instructions (deprecated)
Note: The following approach is deprecated, and no longer recommended. Using the [+Text] button on the Add/Remove Questions page instead to insert text between questions.
In the Intro/Instructions box, you can make question-specific instructions by putting a tag of the form [Q #] or [Q #-#] before the text specific to that question or range of questions. Here is an example:
This is the general info
[Q 1]
This text will display before question 1
[Q 3-4]
This text will display before questions 3 and 4. Since there was no tag for question 2, it will display directly after question 1, with no associated intro text. Likewise, if there was a question 5, it would display directly after question 4 with no associated intro text.
You can add existing questions to an assessment by clicking the "Select Library" button to choose libraries to search, then the "Search" button to list potential questions. Leave the "Search" entry blank to list all questions in the libraries selected. The checkboxes can be used to search in all libraries (not just the selected ones), list only questions you own, or exclude questions you've already added to your assessment.
From this list you can:Alternatively, you can click the "Select from Assessments" button to choose questions from existing assessments. In this mode, select the assessments you wish to pull questions from and click "Use these assessments". Then select the questions you wish to use.
Once added to the assessment you can:In addition to the assignment Introduction, each question can have an individual introduction. A common example is to display a video and then a related question as part of a video assignment.
To add a question introduction, click on + Text below the last question. An editable text box will appear where you can write instuctions or drag in a video link. After you edit your text, click the Save All icon in the editor toolbar. You can expand/collapse each question intro by clicking the Expand and Edit or Collapse icons in the lower right of the question intro. Once you modify a question intro, you'll need to save it to collapse it.
When you click Save All, all changes you have made in any other question intros will also be saved. If you leave a question intro with unsaved changes, the Save All button will be highlighted.
A question intro can be displayed for multiple consecutive questions (except on Embedded assignments). In the Show for selector, select the number of questions that question intro should be used for.
Embedded assignments can include page titles. Check the New Page checkbox to add a page title. Then add your title in the editor and save it.
Below the last questions is an Expand All button which will expand all the question intros. Click on any one to edit it.
If students have taken the assessment, you will not be allowed to make as many changes to the assessment, as it will mess up existing student attempts. If you need to change the assessment a lot, you can clear all student attempts. Otherwise you can change individual question settings (be careful!) or edit the question if it's yours. If there is a problem with the question, you modify it, and want to give students another chance on that question, you can clear all attempts on a single question by clicking the "Clear Attempts" link here
After adding questions to an assessment, click the "Categorize Questions" button to categorize the questions in the assessment. Categorization allows you and students to see a score breakdown by question category.
In the question categorization page, you will see each question listed, followed by a category pull-down. By default, the list contains the names of all libraries containing the question. If you'd like to define a category not in the lists, type in the new category name in the box provided and click the "Add Category" button. The new category name will now appear in the pull-down lists next to each question, and can be selected to assign the question to that category. When you are done, click the "Record" button.
After adding questions to an assessment, click the "Create Print Version" to layout your assessment for printing.
On the first page, you will be asked what you would like to include in the test header. You will also be asked to enter your print margins setup. These can be found by choosing "Page Setup" from the "File" menu in your browser. In the Page Setup you may also wish to remove the default header and footer materials included in printouts by your browser.
On the next page, you will see alternating blue and green rectangles indicating the size of pages. Use the resizing buttons next to each question to increase or decrease the space after each question until the questions fall nicely onto the pages. You can use Print Preview in your browser to verify that the print layout looks correct. After you have completed the print layout, you will be given the chance to specify additional print options. Longer questions, such as those with graphs, may appear cut off in the print layout page. Be sure to resize those questions to show the entire question.
On the next page, select how many versions of the test you would like to generate, and whether you'd like to generate answer keys. After hitting continue, you print version of the test will be displayed. Choose Print in your browser to print your tests.
Quick view is a condensed view of the course page. You can use it to quickly look over your entire course. It is more useful for major editing
It allows easy drag-and-drop reordering of course items. Changes will not be recorded until the "Record Changes" button is pressed.
You can also quickly rename items by clicking on their titles and changing the text. Again, changes will not be recorded until the "Record Changes" button is pressed.
When done in quick view, click the "Return to regular view" link to get back to the regular course page
The calendar can be accessed from the course navigation bars, or by embedding the calendar on your course page. The calendar autopopulates with assessment item due dates, and discussion forum post-by and reply-by dates. Text items have options to place them on the calendar. The calendar displays with the current date on the top line; you can jump later in the future or look in the past using the "< <" and "> >" links above the calendar.
You can add additional items to the Calendar using the "Manage Events" link on the calendar. All items to be placed on the calendar need a date, a description, and a single letter or symbol tag that will show on the calendar
Clicking the "Manage Question Set" link will allow you to search through the Question Set, modify questions, add questions, remove question, transfer ownership, or add a set of questions to a question library. Only administrators or question owners have the rights to remove a question. Be aware that if you remove a question that is currently being used in an assessment (as shown in the "Times Used" column), it will mess up that assessment.
The options available in the question set manager are:
Note that the assignment of questions into libraries can be done by anyone, but only the person who made the assignment is able to remove the question from the assigned library
Use the "Import Question Set" feature to import a Question Set that you or someone else had exported from MyOpenMath. Be sure to only import question sets from trusted sources. After specifying an import file, you will be given a chance to select specific questions from the set to be imported.
Imported questions will have ownership assigned to the importer. Select the userights you want to apply to all imported questions. You can import the questions directly into an existing library, or into the Unassigned library for later assignment.
If any questions (identified by a unique id) already exist in your system, you will be asked if you want to update the existing questions, or add as new questions. If you have modified questions previously imported, you may want to add as new.
Use the library manager to remove, rename, change rights, change parent, or transfer ownership of question libraries. Be aware that if a library is deleted, the questions in that library will become unassigned; they are not deleted.
Libraries have a tree structure, where each library has a parent library. When you add or modify a library, you can change it's parent library. If you change a library's parent, all children library move with a library. You can only specify an empty library or existing parent library as a parent.
Libraries have use rights. Options are:
With library rights, child rights take precedence over parent rights. For example, if an open library is a child to a private library, the parent will not be hidden from other users. However a private library as child to a private parent will be hidden from other users.
Depending upon the system configuration, non-admins may be limited to creating libraries that are private to others outside their group. If this is the case, a non-admin will need to contact an admin to create a library that is closed or open to all.
Library assignments are done in question management. Library assignments can be done by any user, but only the person who made the assignment can remove that assignment.
Use the "Import Libraries" feature to import an entire library or tree of libraries. After selecting a file, the tree of libraries in the import file will be shown, and you can deselect libraries you do not want to import. Note that if a parent library is not selected, NONE of the children libraries will be added, regardless of whether they're checked or not.
You will be asked if you want to update existing questions/libraries, or add as new. If a library or question (identified by a unique id) in the import already exists on your system, this will tell the importer whether to update the existing libraries/questions, or import the libraries/questions as a new copy (a new unique id is assigned). If you have modified questions previously imported, you may want to add as new. Note that only the original importer can update questions they imported.
Imported libraries and questions will have ownership assigned to the importer. Select the userights you want to apply to all imported questions and libraries. You can select a parent in the library tree for all (top level) imported libraries
If you load a file that does not have a library tree embedded in the file, you will be told to use the Import Question Set feature instead. Even if a file has a library tree, you can use the Import Question Set feature to import specific questions from the file.
Use the "List Students" link to list the students in your class. On this page you can import (register and enroll) students from a file, enroll a student (already registered) with a known username. This is the easiest way to add a guest user to your class. Note that the "Last Login" date shows the last time the student logged into MyOpenMath, not necessarily the last time they accessed your course.
The List Students page also gives you access to student email addresses, as well as a link to send out a mass email or message to all students
The form will guide you through specifying which columns of the CSV file contain First name, Last name, email address, and desired username. Once setting these options, the first five rows of the file will be displayed so you can verify that the import settings are correct. The students will be both registered and enrolled in the current class upon submission.
Click the "Assign section and/or code numbers" link to assign section or code numbers to students. These only serve for identification purposes, the the gradebook will be sorted first by section, then by name. Section can be alphanumeric; code number must be numeric, up to 4 digits.
Click the "Manage LatePasses" link to give students LatePasses. Students can redeed a LatePass for an extension on an online assessment without your intervention, provided you have clicked the "Allow use of latepasses" option in that assessment.
On this page you can also define the number of hours extension a LatePass will grant
Click the "Manage Tutors" link to manage tutors for your class. Tutors can have an instructor account or student account. Tutors will be able to view students' scores and online assessments. If given permission, tutors can edit or enter online or offline scores.
Add tutors by listing their usernames in the box provided. Remove tutors by clicking the "Remove" checkboxes next to tutors and clicking Update
Once tutors are added, you can limit them to a single section of the course. If selected, tutors will only be able to see scores for students in the section they're limited to. This can be used in conjunction with the diagnostic system, since second-level selections become the student's section identifier
Click the "Gradebook" link to show the gradebook. The gradebook shows each student's score on each assessment and any offline grades you've entered. Click on a student's assessment score to show detail on their assessment attempt, or on a student's offline grade to change their grade. Click the Settings link in the table header if you need to change an assessment's settings. Click on an assessment's average score to view an breakdown showing the average score on each question. Click on an offline grade's average score or the Settings link in the table header to change the settings for that item or modify all students' grades at once.
By using checkboxes next to student's names, you can send messages or emails to multiple students, or make due date exceptions for multiple students at once
Click the "Gradebook Settings" to change Gradebook settings and create or modify categories. This allows you to create a grading scheme.
Your overall settings are:
The next section lets you define categories. There is always the "Default" category, but it will not display if there are no items assigned to it. To add a new category, click the "Add Category" link to add a new line to the table, then fill in the name and other info, then click "Update"
For each category, you can specify:
You can then enter grades for each student. If you leave a grade blank, no grade will be recorded for that student. You can edit these settings or edit all students' grades at a later time by clicking the "Average" in the gradebook for this item. You can edit an individual student's grade by clicking on their score in the gradebook for this item. You can leave feedback for students about their grade using the boxes provided.
You can manage offline grades by clicking the "Offline Grades: Manage" link on the gradebook page. This page allows you to delete, change the availability, or change the gradebook assignment of a set of offline grade items.
When you click on a student's score in the gradebook, you will see the specific assessment that they received and the last answer they provided, as well as their score on each question and the attempts used. You can override the scores they received on this page. You can also send a student a message about a question, quoting their version of the question in the message. At the bottom of the page is a box to leave the student feedback about the assessment.
If you wish to give a student another chance to take an assessment, click the "Clear Attempt" or "Clear Scores" link. Note: This will clear their current scores, answers, and attempts used. The "Clear Attempt" link will make it appear the student never started the assessment, and the student will receive a different version of the assessment when they access the assessment. The "Clear Scores" link will clear the student's scores and attempts to 0, but the student will receive the same version of the assessment when they access it.
If you categorized the questions in the assessment, you will also see a category breakdown at the bottom of the details page
The Student Groups page allows you to manipulate student groups associated with assessments that you have designated as group assessments. When you first access this page, you will be presented with a list of group assessments. Select the assessment you want to modify groups for
You will be presented with a list of groups (the group number is arbitrary) with the students in each group. To separate a student from the group, click the "Break from Group" link.
At the bottom of the page is a list of students not assigned to a group. If you wish to assign students to groups, click the checkboxes next to the students' names. In the "add to group: " pulldown, select the group you want to add the students to, or select "New Group", and click Add
When students are broken from the group, they retain the version of the assessment and progress the group had acheived before you broke them from the group. If a student is added to a group, any work they've already done is lost and replaced with the group's version and progress. Any changes to an assessment made by one group member affects all group members.
The message system allows you to send a message to students in the class. This is an internal message system; it is not emailed unless the student has requested email notification.
Click Send New Message to send a new message to a student. If you want to send a message to multiple students, use the "List Students" page. Select a student from the pull-down list, and type your message.
When viewing messages, you can either Reply to the message, or use the "Quote in Reply" option to quote the original message in your reply.
Course Item Copy allows you to copy items in your course or an entire course structure, or copy items from another instructor's course. Note that item structure, items, and settings are exported, but not students, assessment attempts, or forum threads.
On the first page, select a course to copy from. If you select a course that is not one of your own courses, you must enter the course Enrollment Key as verification that you have received permission to copy from the course.
On the second page, select the items you wish to import. If you export an item currently contained in a block and do not export the block, the item will be exported as an item on the main course page.
You can optionally append words to the end of the title of each item, or place the copied items into an existing block.
You can optionally also specify to copy the course settings (the items you'd set under Modify on the Admin page), or copy the gradebook scheme and gradebook categories. Copying the gradebook scheme will overwrite the existing gradebook scheme in your course. Copying the gradebook scheme will also retain any category assignments for the assessments you're copying.
The Change Dates page allows you to change the dates for all your course items on one page. On this page you will see a list of your course items, with inputs for start date, end date, and review date (for assessments). You can filter the list to only show one item type using the Filter selection at the top of the page, and you can change the sort order to sort by start date, end date, or name.
If you change dates on any line and click the "Send down list" button on that line, the date change will be made to all items below that item in the list. For example, if you add one day to an item and click "Send down list", one day will be added to all items lower in the list. By default the system only allows Monday-Friday dates; you can switch to a 7-day week by unchecking the "Shift by weekdays only" checkbox
The Change Assessments page allows you to change assessment settings for many assessments at the same time. Begin by selecting all the assessments you want to change settings for using the checkboxes next to each assessment's name
Select which options you want to change by clicking the checkbox in the "Change?" column, then adjust the setting in the "Option" column. When you are done, click "Submit"
Course Item import/export allows you to share a course setup with other instructors, or copy a class for yourself. Note that item structure and questions are exported, but not students, assessment attempts, or forum threads.
On Export, start by selecting the items you wish to export. If you export an item currently contained in a block and do not export the block, the item will be exported as an item on the main course page. There are options on whether or not to include course and gradebook settings in the export.
On Import, first provide the import file. If there are assessment questions that do not already exist on your system, they will be added to the system. Select the library into which these questions should be imported. If a question already exists, you can select whether to update the existing question with the import question (if it is newer), or create a new copy of the question in the designated library. Select the items to import, and click "Import Items".
MyOpenMath can be used as a LTI tool using a course-level configuration or a global college-wide configuration.
Key Types
For a course-level configuration, your LTI key will take the form LTKkey_###_#. The first number, ###, is your course ID. The last number determines how authentication is handled. If that last digit is 0, then when the student accesses the LTI placement, the first time they will be asked to sign into their MyOpenMath account or create one, and that account will be linked with the account at the host LMS. From then on, when the same student accesses any LTI placement, they will not need to sign in again. They will be able to sign in directly to MyOpenMath as well.
If the last digit of your LTI key is 1, then a student account will automatically be created the first time a student accesses the LTI placement, and that account will be linked with the host LMS account. The student will not be provided an MyOpenMath username or password, so they will only be able to access MyOpenMath resources through the LMS LTI placements.
Note that grade return ONLY works reliably with the _1 type keys, so that type of key is recommended.
LTI Connection Options
MyOpenMath supports several types of LTI integration, including whole course single-signon, and new links created from the LMS.
The recommended integration technique is to setup individual LTI links for each assessment. This is necessary if you want the grade to be returned from MyOpenMath to your LMS. The easiest way to set up LTI links in the LMS is to use the Export feature in MyOpenMath to create links and import those into your LMS. To do this, go to Course Items -> Export, select the items you want to export, your LMS, and Download the CC Export. Then follow the appropriate instructions below.
Alternatively, you can manually create individual links to assignments, or you can create a single link that launches your entire MyOpenMath course. Be aware that in many LMSs, manually created links to assignments will lose their association with MyOpenMath assessments when the course is copied in the LMS, so using the Import process is recommened when supported by the LMS.
MyOpenMath can also be an LTI consumer, using the External Tool option for Link items.
Go to Course Items → Export, select the items you want to export, select your LMS, and Download the Export Cartridge
To import the cartridge in Canvas:
, where #### is your Course IDNext you will need to establish the connection between your MyOpenMath course and Canvas course
Note: When configuring a course-level configuration, the use of a key in the form LTIkey_###_1
is recommended.
With this type of key, students will not have or need a username for MyOpenMath, and they must
access assignments via the LMS. This is usually desired when doing integration, and is necessary to ensure
grades are passed from MyOpenMath back to the LMS.
If, however, you are not interested in grade return, and simply want to provide single-signon from your LMS
into MyOpenMath while allowing direct login to MyOpenMath as well, then you can
use a key of the form LTIkey_###_0
instead. This will require students to have or create an
account on MyOpenMath, which they'll have to log into once to establish the connection.
If you have an LTI 1.3 connection or global LTI 1.1 college-wide key and secret, you do not need to set up a course-level configuration. If you need to set up a course level configuration, in your Canvas course:
, where #### is your Course ID
To create a link to an individual assessment, in Canvas:
To create a single link to your entire MyOpenMath course, in Canvas:
Go to Course Items → Export, select the items you want to export, select your LMS, and Download the Export Cartridge
To import the cartridge in BlackBoard:
, where #### is your Course IDNext you will need to establish the connection between your MyOpenMath course and BlackBoard course
Note: When configuring a course-level configuration, the use of a key in the form LTIkey_###_1
is recommended.
With this type of key, students will not have or need a username for MyOpenMath, and they must
access assignments via the LMS. This is usually desired when doing integration, and is necessary to ensure
grades are passed from MyOpenMath back to the LMS.
If, however, you are not interested in grade return, and simply want to provide single-signon from your LMS
into MyOpenMath while allowing direct login to MyOpenMath as well, then you can
use a key of the form LTIkey_###_0
instead. This will require students to have or create an
account on MyOpenMath, which they'll have to log into once to establish the connection.
To manually create a link to MyOpenMath, in Blackboard:
, where #### is your Course IDBe aware assessment links created manually in this way will lose their association with MyOpenMath assessments when the course is copied in BlackBoard, so using the Export/Import process is recommened if you are creating individual assessment links.
Go to Course Items → Export, select the items you want to export, select your LMS, and Download the Export Cartridge
To import the cartridge in Brightspace:
, where #### is your Course IDMyOpenMath
Next you will need to establish the connection between your MyOpenMath course and Brightspace course
Note: When configuring a course-level configuration, the use of a key in the form LTIkey_###_1
is recommended.
With this type of key, students will not have or need a username for MyOpenMath, and they must
access assignments via the LMS. This is usually desired when doing integration, and is necessary to ensure
grades are passed from MyOpenMath back to the LMS.
If, however, you are not interested in grade return, and simply want to provide single-signon from your LMS
into MyOpenMath while allowing direct login to MyOpenMath as well, then you can
use a key of the form LTIkey_###_0
instead. This will require students to have or create an
account on MyOpenMath, which they'll have to log into once to establish the connection.
Go to Course Items → Export, select the items you want to export, select your LMS, and Download the Export Cartridge
To import the cartridge in Moodle:
, where #### is your Course IDNext you will need to establish the connection between your MyOpenMath course and Moodle course
Note: When configuring a course-level configuration, the use of a key in the form LTIkey_###_1
is recommended.
With this type of key, students will not have or need a username for MyOpenMath, and they must
access assignments via the LMS. This is usually desired when doing integration, and is necessary to ensure
grades are passed from MyOpenMath back to the LMS.
If, however, you are not interested in grade return, and simply want to provide single-signon from your LMS
into MyOpenMath while allowing direct login to MyOpenMath as well, then you can
use a key of the form LTIkey_###_0
instead. This will require students to have or create an
account on MyOpenMath, which they'll have to log into once to establish the connection.
Go to Course Items → Export, select the items you want to export, select your LMS, and Download the Export Cartridge. The cartridge is an IMS Common Cartridge format.
Import the cartridge into your LMS. If you have an LTI 1.3 connection or global LTI 1.1 college-wide key and secret, skip ahead. Otherwise, you'll likely need to configure the LTI connection by providing the key and secret, which can be found on the Course Settings page.
Next you will need to establish the connection between your MyOpenMath course and LMS course
Note: When configuring a course-level configuration, the use of a key in the form LTIkey_###_1
is recommended.
With this type of key, students will not have or need a username for MyOpenMath, and they must
access assignments via the LMS. This is usually desired when doing integration, and is necessary to ensure
grades are passed from MyOpenMath back to the LMS.
If, however, you are not interested in grade return, and simply want to provide single-signon from your LMS
into MyOpenMath while allowing direct login to MyOpenMath as well, then you can
use a key of the form LTIkey_###_0
instead. This will require students to have or create an
account on MyOpenMath, which they'll have to log into once to establish the connection.
If you have an LTI 1.3 connection or global LTI 1.1 college-wide key and secret, you do not need to set up a course-level configuration. Otherwise, you will need to set up a course-level LTI configuration. Consult your LMS's help for how to do this; some LMSs configure an LTI took at the course settings level, while some have you enter the credentials with each link.
If you need to set up a course-level LTI configuration, you will need:
, where #### is your Course ID
The process to set up LTI links varies by LMS, so consult your LMS for details.
Be aware assessment links created manually in this way will lose their association with MyOpenMath assessments when the course is copied in the LMS, so using the Export/Import process is recommened if you are creating individual assessment links and your LMS supports it.