Course Information
Course information, Grading and Policies.

Zoom Meetings

Online Graphing Calculators
Graphing calculators may be used throughout the course. If you do not have a graphing calculator you can use an online one.
Free Online Graphing Calculators
- Option 1: Desmos - Excellent online calculator - easy to use.
- Option 2: MathAS Graphing Calculator - This graphing calculator can find intersections, max/mins, and intercept
- Option 3: This is easy to use but has limited control over the table of values
- Option 4: This has excellent tools, but may take some time to learn.

Announcements, Course Outline, and Handouts
Important class announcements, course content, and other relevant information, will be shared through:
- Blackboard
- Email
Please check these often (at least once a day).

You can access the MyOpenMath gradebook by clicking the Gradebook link at the left-hand-side menu on this course page. The gradebook shows your score on each MyOpenMath assignment, and your overall average. You can review assignments, if you wish, by clicking on the score in the gradebook. You will be able to look again at the questions, the answers you submitted, and the correct answers (after the due date).
This is the publicly accessible content from a course on MyOpenMath. There may be additional content available by logging in