2.2 Determining Volumes by Slicing

LEARNING OBJECTIVES 2.2 Determining Volumes by Slicing
2.2.1 Determine the volume of a solid by integrating a cross-section (the slicing method).
2.2.2 Find the volume of a solid of revolution using the disk method.
2.2.3 Find the volume of a solid of revolution with a cavity using the washer method.

VIEW 2.2 Determining Volumes by Slicing
- Determine Volume Of Solids by Slices - Integration Application
- Ex 1: Volume of a Solid with Known Cross Section Using Integration - Volume by Slices
- Ex 2: Volume of a Solid with Known Cross Section Using Integration - Volume by Slices
- Ex 3: Volume of a Solid with Known Cross Section Using Integration - Volume by Slices
- Ex 4: Volume of a Solid with Known Cross Section Using Integration - Volume by Slices
- Ex 5: Volume of a Solid with Known Cross Section Using Integration - Pyramid
- Ex: Volume of a Solid With Slices Parallel to X-axis (Triangle)
- Volume of Revolution - The Disk Method
- Ex: Volume of Revolution - Disk Method (y=x^(1/3)
- Ex: Volume of Revolution - Disk Method (Quadratic Function)
- Ex: Volume of Revolution - Disk Method (Exponential Function base e)
- Ex 1: Volume of Revolution Using the Disk Method (Rational Function about y = 1)
- Ex 3: Volume of Revolution Using the Disk Method (Exponential Function)
- Volume of Revolution - The Washer Method about the x-axis
- Volume of Revolution - The Washer Method about the y-axis
- Volume of Revolution - The Washer Method NOT about the x or y axis
- Ex 1: Volume of Revolution Using Washer Method About y = 3
- Ex 1: Volume of Revolution Using Washer Method About Y-Axis
- Ex: Volume of Revolution Using Washer Method About x=5
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