Open Math 098 Materials
College Math Foundations
A World Context-driven Pathway to Statistics
Carrie Kyser & Kelly Mercer
Clackamas Community College
As the work products in this shell have been created through grant funding from Open Oregon, all materials carry the following Creative Commons licensing unless otherwise stated.
The materials are organized by week--for a 10-week course--and then further by day, assuming a class that meets twice a week.
We have created some tools to help you understand the course and find specific activities:
Teaching Notes (Google Doc)

Huge amounts of thinking, talking (lots of talking), writing, organizing (and re-organizing), teaching, collaborating, resolving copyright issues--we worked plenty, and got a lot of help.
Thank you to our fellow instructors: Scot Pruyn, Misay Partnof, Adriana Aristizabal, and Rene Pyatt, who trusted us enough to use our materials and gave us insightful, valuable feedback.
Special thanks to Bruce Simmons, who not only taught in the pilot and helped develop materials, but also laid the groundwork so that Math 098 could happen at Clackamas, Bruce was also the principal collaborator with other faculty statewide as we started to understand that we were embarking on an...alternate pathway!
Thanks to Amy Hofer for guiding us through the workings of the grant, always with enthusiasm and efficiency.
To Jane Littlefield, the World's Best Librarian, who worked tirelessly with us on copyright details.
Thanks to Ann Sitomer and Susan Stein, who helped Kelly understand what she wanted to accomplish in the classroom.
And thanks, of course, to our Math 098 students, a brave and admirable group!
And finally, to our families, for their tolerance, love, support, and question testing. And for making their own breakfasts all those Saturday mornings.
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